Co-Chair, Documents/University Involvement
McKenzie Armstrong graduated from Utah State University with a degree in International Studies, very much enjoying the program's requirement to live in a foreign country for at least six weeks. As a result, McKenzie spent a semester studying at the University College of Northampton in England. McKenzie has travelled to more than twenty other countries, including going to Europe four times and South America twice. Most recently, she travelled to Australia and completed an externship with DibbsBarker in Sydney. McKenzie takes every opportunity she can get to learn about more cultures and seeing new things. Her favorite job, so far, was the two summers she spent working as a park ranger in Yellowstone National Park. Her ideal occupation would be something that could combine her two interests and deal with environmental issues around the world. McKenzie served on the Documents / Involvement team for the 2009 Symposium and is returning this year as Co-Chair of the team.