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2018 Graduation Spotlight: Elizabeth MacLachlan
Image for 2018 Graduation Spotlight: Elizabeth MacLachlan

Recently recognized in a BYU Law School Graduation Spotlight, third-year law student Elizabeth MacLachlan was an active part of the Executive Committee for the International Law and Religion Symposium for 2016 and 2017 and received one of the ICLRS Meritorious Service Awards for 2018. 

Graduation Spotlight: Elizabeth MacLachlan

by Ellen Huish

Elizabeth MacLachlan’s path to law school wasn’t clear to her at first.  All of her family members were in STEM-related fields. When her father suggested she consider law school, his recommendation felt right, but she encountered unexpected obstacles on her new path.

"A lot happened in the year before I started law school," she said. "I separated from my then-husband and started studying for the LSAT. I found out I expecting my daughter and I began to question my decision to attend law school."

"I’m grateful for my supportive parents who told me to keep pushing for my goals even if it would be hard," MacLachlan continued. "Leaning on their words, I took the LSAT and applied to law school. I was thrilled to come back to BYU to continue my education. I haven’t regretted coming to law school and don’t think I ever will!"

MacLachlan’s involvement in co-curricular activities underscores her dedication to getting as much as possible from her legal education. In addition to joining the Moot Court team and spending a number of hours outside of class researching, writing briefs, and preparing for competitions, MacLachlan joined the Law Review. As a 2L, she performed the role of associate editor and advanced to lead articles editor her 3L year.

MacLachlan noted that the professors and classmates made an incredible difference in her law school experience. "There are many professors who have positively impacted my education, career, and life in general. I specifically think about Professors Michalyn Steele, Gladriel Shobe, Elysa Dishman, and Dean Christine Hurt. They have all gone out of their way to help me along my career path and to lend advice, support, and encouragement. I look up to them for their aspirations, success, and kindness."

As a single parent, MacLachlan has followed a path of hard work, commitment, and excellence that her peers have noted. Among her classmates, she is also cited as one of the kindest people they know.

After graduation, MacLachlan will pursue a masters degree in tax. She hopes to eventually return to her hometown in South Dakota and practice tax law.

Click on the original article link below to see video of Elizabeth talking about her law school experience.