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Brandon Bastian
Image for  Brandon Bastian

Chair, Concierge/Hosting

Brandon Bastian is excited to return to his position on the Concierge/Hosting team, this year as Chair, for the 2012 International Law and Religion Symposium. Brandon grew up in Binghamton, NY and Manassas, VA, and served a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints speaking Mandarin Chinese in San Jose and Carlsbad, CA. He graduated from Brigham Young University in 2009 with degree in psychology and minors in English and music. He is actively involved in his interests, singing with the BYU Singers and guest lecturing for Sociology classes on BYU's main campus. Brandon worked with the Office of General Counsel for the LDS Church in Salt Lake City during summer 2011, and was a summer fellow for the Center that same year, when he led the student team that worked on the amicus brief submitted for the Hosanna-Tabor case.